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Unlock Your Authentic Voice: The Power of Letting Go

Writer's picture: Jennifer LasellJennifer Lasell

In our busy, perfection-driven lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant need for control—whether it’s striving to meet expectations, seeking validation, or chasing outcomes. But what if the secret to finding your true voice and living authentically wasn’t about trying harder but about letting go?

In Light of the Soul: A Paraphrase of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Alice Bailey, the sutra “When abstention from theft is perfected, the yogi can have whatever he desires” offers profound guidance. It isn’t just about avoiding what isn’t ours; it’s about releasing the emotional and mental constraints that block us from expressing our true selves. When we stop grasping for perfection, approval, or control, we create space for life to provide exactly what we need.

So, what would happen if you let go?

What’s Holding You Back?

If you’ve ever felt stuck—whether in your creative pursuits, your work, or even in your personal growth—you’re not alone. Often, the very thing we long to express or achieve feels just out of reach. Why? Because fear, perfectionism, and self-doubt keep us from taking that first step.

I know this feeling intimately. For years, I wanted to write, but I kept my work hidden, felt blocked as a writer, and was afraid it wasn’t “good enough.” I told myself stories: What if people judge? What if I fail? Sound familiar?

Here’s the truth I learned: the only thing holding us back is the story we tell ourselves. What if you told a new story—one where you trusted your voice, let go of the fear, and allowed yourself to just be?

The Key to Your Authentic Voice

One of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned is that authenticity starts with letting go of the grip we think we need to have on everything. When I took a self-development course, I discovered what my teacher Natalie Goldberg calls “first voice.” This is the unfiltered, true expression that comes when you quiet your “monkey mind”—the part of you that worries, judges, and overthinks—and let your authentic self take the lead.

This isn’t just about writing; it’s about life. The more you let go of perfectionism, fear of failure, and the need for approval, the more space you create for your true voice to emerge. And that voice is powerful.

How to Let Go and Trust Yourself

Letting go doesn’t mean giving up—it means releasing what’s holding you back. Whether it’s fear of judgment, a need to control every outcome, or the belief that you’re not good enough, the process starts with trust: trust in yourself, trust in your voice, and trust in the journey.

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Ground yourself: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and feel connected to the present.

  2. Quiet your inner critic: Notice when the “monkey mind” starts to judge or overthink, and gently shift your focus to the task at hand.

  3. Write without judgment: Whether you’re writing a journal entry, a blog post, or even an email, let go of the need to make it perfect. Just write.

The Wisdom of Patanjali

Reflecting on this process, I see how it aligns with Patanjali’s wisdom. Fear of imperfection or not being “good enough” robs us of the chance to express our authentic selves. When we release these fears, we create space for our true voice to emerge.

As Alice Bailey interprets, “all jewels are ours” when we stop grasping. For you, those jewels might be the confidence to share your creativity, the courage to step into a new role, or the realization that your authentic voice was there all along, waiting to be discovered.

Meditation for Authentic Expression

Before you dive into writing or any creative endeavor, take a moment to center yourself with this short meditation.

  1. Ground Yourself:

    • Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your hands resting on your thighs.

    • Take a few deep breaths, imagining a grounding cord extending from the base of your spine deep into the Earth. Feel the stability and support of the Earth beneath you.

  2. Move to the Center of Head:

    • Bring your awareness to the center of your head, the space behind your eyes and slightly above the bridge of your nose. This is your space of neutrality and clarity.

    • Visualize yourself sitting comfortably in this quiet, centered space. Feel the calm and balance it brings.

  3. Surround Yourself in Golden-White Light:

    • Envision a radiant golden-white light surrounding your entire body. This light acts as a shield, protecting your energy and clearing away distractions or negativity.

    • Feel yourself safe, centered, and ready to create from this inspired, grounded place.

Take a few deep breaths, and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes.

Journal Prompt

In the spirit of Natalie Goldberg’s teaching, grab a cheap notebook and your favorite pen, set a timer for 10 minutes, and just write. Here’s your prompt:

“What do I remember?”

Now go! Don’t stop moving your pen until the timer goes off. Write whatever comes up—memories, fragments, even nonsense. Let it be messy and lousy. That’s just your monkey mind trying to take control. Keep going. You might be surprised at what your first voice has to say.

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