Whether or not it is clear that in every given moment, one’s divine moment is immaterial to the Indweller, the energies still flood through, the lesson is given, and it becomes time to sink or swim, as it were. How is this condition overcome? Self-Mastery.
In the twilight last evening, I stepped out of my mini-van to stare up at the heavens, the sight of which I hadn’t seen in days due to storms that had passed. The stars were brilliant, and I, for a second, longed to have a stargazing group come over to my house for some nice hot chocolate.
What the heavens reveal are the constellations, and as many astrologers will tell you, have significant meaning to oneself – some say influence. I haven’t delved too deeply into the art of astrology, though I firmly advocate that every symbol has exact, deeply penetrating meaning beyond the mundane physical. What the heavens above reveal of one’s true nature remains mysterious to those whose eyes are shut tightly. Well, unless we include the sometimes uncomfortable life circumstances we all go through when we live unconsciously.
The Ageless Wisdom states that all feelings, thoughts, and actions come home to roost. Like a boomerang, what is done comes home to be undone. How is this influenced? By what magical formula can we say this is true? It takes discipline, an open mind, and a willingness to experiment to discover the underlying meanings behind all of life, not just the starry heavens. Once attained, self-master is accomplished.
One morning, I sat in my office with my spiritual study books open. A Spirit Guide came through to help with the lesson and said:
Never mind the penetrating feelings and thoughts within oneself. These are merely symbols of reality. The same goes for all of one’s experiences – including the family life. What remains to be mastered is very keenly seen in the home of every aspirant.