Knowledge, Service, and Sacrifice are the trinity of awareness, awakening multiple modes of knowing beyond the mundane book learning and life experiences typically associated with them. Awareness, to me, means having the ability to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell with the clarity of vision, allowing one to travel beyond ordinary space-time into the etheric levels of being where intuition is awakened. How do I know this? How does anyone know?
Knowledge is innate. The discovery of oneself is often through bitter experiences, where a skinned knee or a mangled bumper reminds one to pay attention and, hopefully, how to avoid an accident. However, not everyone learns from experience, and some repeat the lesson over and over again.
At about 8, I learned to ride a banana seat bicycle. The bike was slightly big for my frame. To get on and start peddling, I had to line myself up with the curb and place my foot on the opposite peddle while kicking off from the sidewalk. Once I gained my balance with the steering wheel and found both peddles, I would navigate down the street. That is, of course, until it was time to stop. Stopping was harder. Much harder. I still have the scar on the same elbow I always fell on. That was me, repeating the lesson at a tender age until I grew big enough to stop the bicycle safely.