Dr. Deepak Chopra often describes a phenomenon called the Tipping Point. From my understanding, the Ageless Wisdom calls the same phenomenon the “Gates of Return.” So, what is this phenomenon?
Space-time is another phenomenon. Again, in the Ageless Wisdom, this is called the 4th Kingdom or the Kingdom of Mankind. However, mankind isn’t limited to this kingdom. The idea behind reaching the Tipping Point, as Dr. Chopra explains, and from my understanding, has to do with experiences as humanity, beyond the time-bound, limited self into a limitless, boundless being.
How do you know? ~Dr. Deepak Chopra
Many people have timeless, limitless, boundless experiences every day. For example, a great friend recently Skyped with me, saying, “There was a weird sensation, and I felt like I was floating.” She had her first recounted Out of Body Experience.
Who is the one having the experience? ~Dr. Deepak Chopra
My friend dialed the Monroe Institute for further research and an explanation of what happened to her. They sent her some CDs and information.
We continued to talk about how what my friend experienced was a natural part of her spiritual development and a wonderful opportunity to remember her limitless self. And how her further research into out-of-body experiences helped her eventually come into full blossom of that development and remember how to utilize her new abilities at will.
After all, a being solely isolated to the 4th Kingdom of Mankind wouldn’t be capable of having an Out of Body Experience – a 5th Kingdom expression of Self.
These flashes of intuition are at first simply vivid flashes of illumination, breaking forth into the mind consciousness... ~Alice Bailey