The constellations are comprised of three basic elements: the stars themselves, the legends that have gone forth, and the future understanding of what came to pass. Not yet radiant in substance, the astrological signs have been used for many decades to help man discern: who am I? What this entails is a mystery of such proportions that even as the world turns upon its axis and travels its orbit around the sun, the stars twinkle a message of love towards humanity. The meaning of such twinkles of stardust only means one thing: humanity has repeated the lesson because what the stars had to remind us wasn't anything outside oneself to begin with.
I stood under the canopy of the heavens when I spotted Mercury. I could almost feel the hot gaseous clouds surrounding this mysterious planet's surface. The moon had waned, giving a clearer view of the heavens. My lifelong desire was to know the stars and planets in the sky like the back of my hand, so I hired my iPhone with a constellation map to tell me what I was looking up to. Somehow, I felt empty looking outside of myself. The stars didn't really speak to me in a manner I'd expected, so I went inside. Then, it came to me that all that I saw out there was a figment of my imagination, and to discover the meaning of any constellation, I had to do the inner work to get there.