12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12
It was another moment of desperation, and I, quite frankly, was getting tired of the highs and lows of my spiritual experiences. My deepest and most penetrating desire is to learn all I can about who I am so that I may serve humanity and, in the process, hopefully, develop a sense of self-mastery and no longer have to ride the tides through sometimes bitter inner experiences.
On an October evening in 2007, I was visited by another Angel. This time, she knocked on my front door. When I answered it, it was none other than my spiritual teacher on the Earthly planes. She sat with me for a little while and said, “You know, you have a door open. You have to close the door to get rid of your unpleasant experiences.” At first, I didn’t quite understand what she meant by a doorway.
Later, she explained it to me. “Go within and look for a door there. When you see it open, shut it! You can ask for help with remembering. And, remember to always bring God into everything that you do.”
I went home, meditated, and looked for a door within myself. To my surprise, I found an open door. It was to the astral, or levels of dual awareness, where one experiences good vs. evil, but we’re neither one of these things – that’s experience. So, while holding the hand of Christ in my imagination, I closed the door. Suddenly, a flood of divine light came over me, and I was free from the turmoil of my inner experiences.
It wasn’t long after I closed the door to the astral plane I learned it was my own uncontrolled emotions from years of feeling victimized by circumstances that kept the astral door wide open. Self-control was a matter of self-empowerment; eventually, this led to alignment, awareness, and paying close attention to the energies within me so that I never felt victimized again.