One day, I listened to Eckhart Tolle speak about his awakening. He asked himself, "Am I one or two?” I was thrilled to hear his lecture on awakening; his words held deeply penetrating meaning.
“You’re going to have to think in terms of oneness to get through this,” my spiritual teacher said to me one morning as I stood at the kitchen sink washing dishes - feeling as though I were walking on a tight rope on my tiptoes - with all that had unfolded within me. ‘How do I see this in terms of oneness?’ I thought to myself.
It wasn’t mental insanity that plagued me, but an overwhelming feeling in my chest, and I couldn't discern the cause. Days later, I remembered this important lesson regarding the realm of inner causes, and soon, the overwhelming knot in my chest passed away– only to return occasionally, then pass away again. That is until I became proficient with everything I was juggling internally.
The balance between my inner and outer reality wasn’t being met, at least not at first. I soon discovered the magical formula within oneself that helps bring ease and harmony between both the inner and outer realities: intention and spiritual identification.
One of the best indicators for me of intention is to ask, “Is this my responsibility?” The second-best indicator is to trust my inner development and growing spiritual understanding over the cultural conditioning and paradigms from which I used to take direction.