(The following was written before the 2018 Campfire of Butte County.)
I’m not here to preach, though I teach. I believe there is a fine balance here. When one is preaching, it’s as if to say the person does not Know. To teach, in other words, is to shine light. Shining light is another way of saying guidance; guidance is soul stimulation - the stimulation of what is already within oneself.
Inheritance is another topic. What this means, to me, is an innate quality within oneself. It’s not unusual to discover new talents and abilities when one is engaged in a meditation practice. This means the uncovering of one’s inheritance or what is given.
I was driving up the road on a cold winter’s day when it began to snow. Snow turned to slush upon my windshield, and soon, I didn’t need my wipers, as the snowflakes solidified and blew off in the wind and forward movement of the vehicle. My Guides were cautious: Drive slowly. The roads are icy. As if hearing this inner guidance, my children in the vehicle with me said, “Mom, go slowly.” I continued to drive up the mountain to our winter cabin. We decided to live in year-round. The majestic mountains had called us home.
I sat in meditation one morning with my face pointing towards the sun.
Suddenly, a man stood in my backyard just below the deck. He wasn’t wearing modern-day clothing. In fact, he had on a loin cloth and wore black feathers in his shortened hair.
The Native American Maidu peoples belong to the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California. It was during the Gold Rush of the mid to late 1800s that the Native American way of life was destroyed here. Near my home, one can still see evidence of where the Gold Rush 49ers destroyed whole sides of foothills to find a fool’s paradise.
The Native American man who stood in my backyard on this occasion had a special message. I listened and continued to meditate:
Allow the Earth Mother to take back her land, and don’t worry about what you didn’t do. The Earth Mother can take care of herself. She is beautiful and well-kept. What Native Plants you want to put back into the ground, move slowly. Let the Earth tell you where to place them, and how much water and breathing to give them. Breath is the essence of all of Life.
My one-pointed attention is what he meant by ‘breath.’ When I look upon my yard, which currently isn’t very well kept by modern standards, the Earth Mother turns her back upon me. However, when I look out these windows to adorn Her or walk upon the pine needles of her daughter with a joyful heart, she is more than willing to show her Beauty.