Today, I opened Pandora's Box, an old cliché, then sifted through the contents like sands in an hourglass. Poetic? Words convey engendered meaning; however, the meaning isn't precise unless it is precisely extracted. What gives one man pause or cause to fight with another is an antecedent in a guru's eyes for further investigation. What happened? Nothing. What will happen? Nothing. How do I know?
Life isn't about justification, is it? One can't be justified to mirror another, and the mirror can't be foggy, or it's not a justification. When looking through the world, not at it, there is an element of timeless, ceaseless existence, and it is heavenly; however, it's never too late to run back and capture another grain of sand in an hourglass.
My husband and I were newlyweds, camping in an environmental campground near Patrick's Point State Park in Northern California. We brought a Frisbee to keep ourselves occupied while exploring the beach. The first throw was mine. The Frisbee…curved a little…carried by the wind, I'm sure of it…right out into the ocean. My husband stood barking like a dog at the ocean waves. The Frisbee was lost forever...we still had a few days of camping ahead of us.
The old fart barely remembers this story. Today, I reminded him as I watched him sail off to work in his construction van…grumpy, tired, overworked, sore, recovering, and alone. The amusing part is that as he left today…I barked at him.