What didn't happen is a series of events in latency. The operational signature of these happenings is in the saying, "What did I forget to do now?" The prime objective is to discover the value and meaning of action in any given circumstance. The chain of events to follow will either be linearly described or of a non-linear/non-local presentation. However, in either case, both modes of experience are available simultaneously.
In the Now, there is the quest for certainty. Each moment is preceded by a past condition and proceeded by the underlying causes of the present condition. In other words, how one has identified with oneself has everything to do with the outcome. In my case, I'll give an example:
One morning, I was lying in bed, fully awake and aware of all the subtle noises around the house. In the kitchen were the footsteps of one family member who was grabbing a bowl of cereal. In the backyard, the dogs were let loose for the day and barked and barked and barked until settling down in the sunlight. There was no sound in another part of the house - none at all.
I crept out of bed, put on my toasty slippers, and quietly scuffled to the other end of the house. After gently knocking on a bedroom door, I opened it to find two teenage boys soundly sleeping. I called them, "Hey, aren't you going to school today?" My oldest son, in his funny way, said, "Wha…wha….what?"
"You have forty-five minutes to be ready and out the door," I told them. Both boys sat up with eyes almost closed, feet touching the floor. Satisfied with the morning wake-up, I headed to my bedroom to prepare for the day.
Now, had the boys gotten themselves up, it would have been their footprints I heard across the house floor, but it wasn't. The footprints were from my semi-retired relatives I currently reside with, who always manage to get themselves up in the morning.