One day, I sat down to pray the Rosary, even though I’m not Catholic. My mom is, however. So, I decided to take up this form of meditation as an experiment. First, I studied the prayers and made it a regular practice. What I discovered astonished me and healed something deep within me:
One day, I sat to pray with my Rosary beads in hand. In my mind, I was having a hard time putting aside that I wasn’t Catholic and debated whether or not I should be praying with these beads. Having struggled to put aside my insecurity, which didn’t have any truth to it, I began to pray and meditate. Soon, I saw an image of the Holy Mother Mary dressed in light blue. Her symbol stood before me; behind her were blue skies with big, white puffy clouds. Above her head was a neon welcome sign with lights flashing: open, open, open! I instantly felt the presence of Mother Mary's energy around me and remembered that “mother” is a divine energy within.