The vitality of color is enriched with engendered meaning when one comes to understand the true nature of oneself and all that came to be. By the laws of nature, colors, forms, and sounds appear to describe a particular phase in consciousness experienced by the observer of these phenomena. These statements aren't easy to discern unless a few basic rules are understood:
1. Energy follows thought.
2. What one needs, one has.
3. There is no other.
In progressive work environments, evolution takes place in the form of adaptation. This adaptation is according to the will of the being having the experience. In other words, what is most useful to everyone involved is how one adapts. Color is a form of adaptation. For example, beautiful birds of all kinds display incredible, colorful feathers to attract a mate.
In my local area, the native Red Winged Blackbird displays a beautiful and stunning red dot on its black wings and has one of the most beautiful songs in the neighborhood of birds.
This richly decorated and highly talented bird captures my awareness whenever I go on a nature hike in my farming community and look out over the rice fields. Typical, I hear the Red Winged Blackbird's distinctive melody, then spot the stunning red-dotted wings by careful observation.
Human beings aren't meant to understand all captured within the bird kingdom. After all, it's for the birds. However, a carefully placed, colorful feather may have significant meaning when it comes to knowing oneself.