The term cancer rings many bells for me - none of them all too pleasant. However, today, I began to look at cancer in the light of the Eternal Now and wondered, 'What would cancer be like if everyone fell in love with it?' The conclusion I came to wasn't easy to discern because, at first, I became repugnant - cancer has never been a friend of mine.
With my husband's recent cancer diagnosis, I wanted to get to the underlying causes of cancer, and while I was doing my spiritual research, I came across the term "atavism." Not being sure what it meant, I looked up "atavism" on the internet, and as I did, I received a transmission of visual images of cancer in my mind's eye. These subtle hints are often clues to further spiritual research, so I decided to look up "atavism and cancer" as a search parameter on Google to see what would pop up.
The article on atavism and cancer published in Newsweek, A New Theory on Cancer: What We Know About How It Starts Could All Be Wrong, was one of the first articles to come up in my research. This article mentions a controversial hypothesis about how cancer grows, not as an inherited genetic mutation moving forward, but as a genetic throw-back to something hidden deep in the gene pool that we haven't seen for a billion years - a lesser evolved genetic demonstration, more like a single-celled organism (2017). I'm not suggesting this idea is foolproof; however, how it came to me was alluring.
So, I did some spiritual research and remembered that cancer is an uncooperative cellular structure that doesn't allow light transmission to flow in bioluminescent sea creatures (Ho, 1997). Meanwhile, in esoteric traditions, a highly organized hierarchy or structure radiates light to the point of illumination or that which causes the face to shine. As you can see, cancer, as a construct per se, isn't limited to the idea of the overgrowth of unwanted bodily tissues but also has symbolic meaning. For example, autocratic leaders such as Stalin, Hitler, or some particular leaders of the present day may invoke a cultural or societal cancer. Anything that hinders the natural flow of beauty, truth, goodness, equanimity, etc.…could theoretically be considered a "cancer," which blocks the light.
The deeper esoteric study carried me to the potential underlying correspondences to cancer, generally speaking. National selfishness, pride, separateness, societal sexual dysfunction, and eventual world harm underscore this same line of thought (A. Bailey, 1934). To overcome these conditions, one must overcome any tendencies toward atavism, where the wholistic organizing power of the Universe has been forgotten.