It was a beautiful day in late Autumn. The first rains of the season had arrived just in time to clear the heavy smoke from the air and dampen the Campfire. My home is rubble. Bits and pieces remain. I can feel the loving energy of home as I look upon the ashes in a photo; we can't go back in there, and I'm homesick. What remains are broken ashes, a mound of memories, and a life to rebuild. Tomorrow is a workday, but my heart isn't into it. The school may have to wait for my return until I return to myself.
Home is where the heart is, but the heart's chakra energy is substance, and substance can be built into one's surroundings. The feeling one gets walking into a sacred space is the built-up energy. Spiritual science is the exacting of this process down to the essential components. Rebuilding a home, to me, means forever taking this sacredness with me and then creating surroundings of beauty, so when I come home, the work is done, and it is time to relax, let my hair down, sit for meditation, do a little yoga, and rejuvenate.
To help me find home within myself again, I turned to the Gita: Chapter 10, verse 3:
One who knows Me as birthless, beginningless, and the supreme controller of all the worlds; he being undeluded among mortals is delivered from all sins.
Sin is the return of the past to a position in which it never belonged. The present is the restoration of all good. My little light shineth evermore.